Differential Equations

  1. 1. Integrating Differential Equations Lecture Notes Homework
  2. 2. Separable Differential Equations Lecture Notes Homework
  3. 3. First Order Linear Differential Equations Lecture Notes Homework
  4. 4. Some Substitution Methods and Exact Equations Lecture Notes Homework
  5. 5. Population Models Lecture Notes Homework
  6. 6. Velocity and Acceleration Models Lecture Notes Homework
  7. 7. Second Order Linear Differential Equations Lecture Notes Homework
  8. 8. Higher Order Linear Differential Equations Lecture Notes Homework
  9. 9. Homogeneous Equations with Constant Coefficients Lecture Notes Homework
  10. 10. Vibrating Springs Lecture Notes Homework
  11. 11. Nonhomogeneous Equations- The Methods of Undetermined Coefficients and Variation of Parameters Lecture Notes Homework
  12. 12. Electrical Circuits Lecture Notes Homework
  13. 13. Elementary Power Series Solutions Lecture Notes Homework
  14. 14. Series Solutions Near Ordinary Points Lecture Notes Homework
  15. 15. Series Solutions Near Regular Singular Points, the Frobenius Method Lecture Notes Homework
  16. 16. Series Solutions Near Regular SIngular Points, r1-r2 is an integer Lecture Notes Homework
  17. 17. The Gamma Function and Bessel Functions Lecture Notes Homework
  18. 18. Laplace Transforms Lecture Notes Homework
  19. 19. Solving Initial Value Problems with Laplace Transforms Lecture Notes Homework
  20. 20. Translation of Laplace Transforms and Partial Fractions Lecture Notes Homework
  21. 21. The Convolution Theorem, Derivatives and Integrals of Transforms Lecture Notes Homework
  22. 22. Piecewise Continuous Functions Lecture Notes Homework